Friday, July 15, 2011

New to Blogging

This is my first blog so bare with me.  I'll start by telling you a little about myself and the purpose of this blog.
I am married and live with my husband in North Carolina.  I will soon be finished with my teaching degree and hope to become a teacher in January 2012.  I have always enjoyed painting and doing crafts and was interested in art in high school.  In the last year I have really started painting a lot more.  I started by drawing a picture for my house.  I moved on to painting birdhouses and old furniture.  I have started painting cute wooden signs to put in the house.  I am really into the simple kind of art.  I'm a big fan of flat art without a lot of demension.  I like the whimsical look.  I always use bright colors or black and white.  I am selling my items and love doing custom orders.  I would like to have my own store one day but that will have to wait for now.  I hope you like my work and feel free to comment!

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