Monday, August 15, 2011

New Work!

It's been a while since I posted.  I've been really busy painting and getting ready for my husbands birthday party.  These pictures are just a taste of what I've been working on.  School starts back in just a few days and I probably won't be painting much until Christmas.  But I can't wait to meet my new group of kindergarteners!  I will be taking Christmas orders early so let me know if you need something hand painted!

Laundry Room Sign

Restored this sign for our beach place!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ballet Slippers

For the past week I have been working on a really cute painting of ballet slippers.  A friend custom ordered it to hang in her daughters room.  She told me the walls were light purple.  She also requested that her daughters name be painted on it.  I am almost finished and it is super cute and I think the mom is going to love it!  I'll post pictures soon!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Gobble Gobble!

I'm sure some people wonder why I chose the name "The Turkey Lurkey."  My husband helps a lot with my new found hobby/business.  He actually builds all of the birdhouses.  Also anytime I need something measured, glued, or nailed he is there to help.  He has a large turkey farm and I thought it would be neat to name my business after his.  The term is used quite often in the south when someone acts silly, crazy and fun!  I think it's cute and describes my work to a tee!  What do you think?

Friday, July 15, 2011

pink and black birdhouse

black and red with swirls

Yellow and black with "H"

Yellow and black with "S"

Aqua and white with pink swirls

Brown and teal

Cute kids chair

Birdhouse for the dog lover

Arrrgh! Pirates! birdhouse

Zebra gourd

ladybug picture frame

pink and lime green birdhouse

cute red frame with swirls

Frame for a very special dog

My spring wreath

New to Blogging

This is my first blog so bare with me.  I'll start by telling you a little about myself and the purpose of this blog.
I am married and live with my husband in North Carolina.  I will soon be finished with my teaching degree and hope to become a teacher in January 2012.  I have always enjoyed painting and doing crafts and was interested in art in high school.  In the last year I have really started painting a lot more.  I started by drawing a picture for my house.  I moved on to painting birdhouses and old furniture.  I have started painting cute wooden signs to put in the house.  I am really into the simple kind of art.  I'm a big fan of flat art without a lot of demension.  I like the whimsical look.  I always use bright colors or black and white.  I am selling my items and love doing custom orders.  I would like to have my own store one day but that will have to wait for now.  I hope you like my work and feel free to comment!